2024 Anoka Halloween Royal Ambassador Program Empowerment Seminar: “This is empowerment (doing the worm and rapping included). I reflected a lot after my first year as a speaker at the empowerment seminar last year, keeping the same goal in mind: if I can impact just one individual, then that is more than enough for me. I was one individual impacted at this same event seven years ago, and that is why I aim to do the same. It’s why I’ll continue to do the same in my future career as a therapist and as a writer—an advocate for understanding, education, validation, and connection. I believe, with my whole heart, that this is what I was made for. In this room, I was surrounded by many women, each precious soul a worthy one. Each, an individual with feelings, insecurities, memories, laughter, hardships, impacts, love, and more than could ever be contained. It’s truly a wonderful thing—to be alive in a room like this one. Remember: you are worthy. Always, and under no conditions. If you’re looking for a sign to stay alive, this is it. 🤍”

2023 Anoka Halloween Royal Ambassador Program Empowerment Seminar: “Six years ago, I was an Anoka Royal Ambassador candidate whose life was changed after hearing @camrynnelsonlord speak at an empowerment seminar. Today, I spoke after Cammy at that very same seminar. Through Christ, all things are possible. I have immense gratitude to @anokaambassador and these girls for allowing and listening to me speak (for the first time) about worth, coping skills, intuitive eating, body image, eating disorders, and the importance of passing affirmations onto strangers. To 17-year-old me, you are worthy. To those who listened to me speak today, you are worthy. To you reading this, you are worthy. Pass it on. <3 “